
Perkumpulan Alam Hijau (A-HI)


Perkumpulan Alam Hijau (A-Hi) is a Non-Governmental organisation (NGO) founded by 10 individuals on 6 June 2018 in Jambi with the main mission of "Supporting Sustainable Natural Resource Management Efforts" with a collaborative, participatory, equality and openness approach.

Legally, A-Hi was first confirmed through the Notary office of Elza Huzaifah Nirmaliana S.H.M.KN with deed number 02 dated 10 October 2018 and registered with the Ministry of Law and Human Rights through Decree Number AHU-0012752.AH.01.07 of 2018 concerning Ratification of the Establishment of the Alam Hijau Association Legal Entity and until now there have been several revisions to the organisational deed.

Currently, A-Hi has a three-member Board of Trustees, 23 members with various individual expertise and 12 staff members.

"The Palm Oil of the Future is Sustainable Palm Oil"

Focus Area

Capacity Building


Certification and Related Assessments


In the forestry sector, A-Hi partners with Lestari Capital, TLLG, Independent Forestry Monitoring Network, IFM Fund and Social Forestry Management Group. In addition, A-Hi also places the government (related to the forestry and environmental sectors) as the main partner in programme development. In the Plantation sector A-Hi partners with SNV and Independent Farmer Institutions such as Village Unit Cooperatives and village economic institutions such as BUMDES. In the plantation sector, A-Hi makes the Plantation Office and the Environment Office as the main partners in programme development. Meanwhile, to support some activities that are academic in nature, A-Hi also collaborates with the University in the implementation of the programme.

How you can support

In the oil palm plantation sector, A-Hi currently assists 478 RSPO-certified smallholders with a potential annual FFB production of 20,000 tonnes. These 478 smallholders have a good awareness of RSPO P&C and have conducted excellent plantation management, as evidenced by the results of two consecutive RSPO TC B certification audits with the result of "No Nonconformities Found". The group is currently innovating to reduce the use of chemical fertilisers and herbicides in plantation management by making liquid organic fertiliser independently. Currently there are 50 pools of liquid organic fertiliser that require funding support for the process of testing the content of macro and micro elements (nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, boron, etc.) according to the needs of oil palm plantation standards. The group is looking for your support to be able to test the macro and micro elements contained in each liter of liquid organic fertiliser and needs funding support to expand the liquid organic fertiliser ponds to cover 930 ha of RSPO Certified smallholder plantations. By supporting this initiative, you are contributing to the improvement of farm management in line with the sustainability principles set out in the RSPO P&C to address environmental and social issues and increase the productivity of independent smallholder farms. Besides needing support in developing innovations, these RSPOCertified smallholder groups also need your commitment to purchase RSPO Credits through the Palm Trace platform. By purchasing RSPO Credits, it offers alignment with your sustainability commitments while supporting smallholders to address environmental and social issues. In addition, A-Hi is currently assisting two groups of independent smallholders to prepare for the RSPO Certification process in Merangin and Muaro Jambi districts. This initiative is carried out independently by A-Hi without programme support. There are several activities that require your support, including training on good agricultural practices (GAP), HCV studies, soil and leaf sample testing to obtain fertiliser recommendations and assistance towards RSPO Certification. By supporting this initiative, you are supporting the expansion of better oil palm management initiatives through the RSPO Certification scheme.


Umi Syamsiatun
Director Executive

Jl. Sunan Gunung Jari RT 10, Kenali Asam Bawah Village, Kota Baru Sub-district, Jambi City, Jambi Province

[email protected]

+62 852-6607-9341


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