

About the group

Number of smallholders: 1077 (745 Men, 332 Women)

Total Land Area: 4039 Ha

Status: Certified

Group location: No 1, Jalan Tiara 2, Taman Tiara, 31900 Kampar Perak

Country: Malaysia

On-going Facilitator: Nur Iadiah Mohd Saat

Status of project: On-going


Our program in West Malaysia was first established in 2013 in Air Kuning, Perak where we entered into an agreement with Cargill and Tian Siang Palm Oil Mill to support smallholders in Perak. We engaged our first dealer, Teik Joo Chan (TJC) the same year to form the smallholders into a Member Group, which included smallholders from the  Orang Asli communities (Indigenous People), who were the first to be RSPO-certified. Our first group of 34 smallholders was RSPO-certified in 2015.

This program emphasizes the crucial role of dealers in promoting sustainability. By leveraging their existing relationships and trust with farmers, dealers have a unique opportunity to promote sustainable practices and provide essential support. This dealer model demonstrates the effectiveness of the WAGS system and paves the way for other dealers to adopt sustainable practices, contributing to the long-term viability of the palm oil industry.

We engaged our second dealer, Sawit Langkap and successfully certified another 74 smallholders in Perak. WAGS West also extended our work to Johor in 2019 where we began engagement with another dealer, Eng Lee Heng (ELH), who has been supplying certified FFB to KULIM Malaysia Berhad. With support from KULIM and ELH, we managed to certify about 108 Johor smallholders in 2020.

In 2021, WAGS West extended our program to a new area in Carey Island, Selangor, where we engaged the Orang Asli community of Mah Meri tribe to participate in our program. In 2022, the first group of smallholders in Carey Island was RSPO-certified. We are continuously growing our smallholders program in West Malaysia with opportunities for our members to improve their farming management approaches and the production of their yields through our WAGS BIO program, which is farming by understanding natural ecological processes. To date, WAGS West has engaged 990 smallholders where 827 of them have been RSPO-certified, spanning a total certified area of 3,125 ha and 40,957. mt of palm oil production in 2022.

WAGS BIO is a systematic approach towards supporting agricultural producers to adopt chemical-free agriculture and regenerative practices. We have engaged 10 BIO farms in both Perak and Johor with a combined production area of 275 ha as potential BIO management areas.

"My palm trees are greener and the fruits are bigger"

- Razali Abd Aziz, WAGS Perak Member

Project Impact

Total area covered by the project
4039 Ha

Number of smallholders benefitting from this project
1077 Smallholders

Number/percentage of women supported by this project
30.83% women in this project

How you can support

There are different ways that you can render support or partner with us for an inclusive and sustainable palm oil production by smallholders to collectively transform the industry. All our current partners currently co-exist in different roles with key stakeholders – from FMCGs and processors (refiners and mills) to technology providers (research or tech solutions) – who are globally connected through Wild Asia’s SPIRAL (Small Producer Inclusivity & Resilience Alliance) grassroots initiative. SPIRAL is a partnership platform to bring together key players within the palm oil value chain towards supporting small producer inclusion in the global sustainable oil palm market.  As a SPIRAL partner, you’ll be able to demonstrate not only commitments to your sustainability goals but also create bigger impact stories.

SPIRAL presents a unique opportunity for global brands and consumer goods companies to show tangible commitments towards Zero Deforestation and Science-based targets. Through our programme, the increase in sustainable production areas means an increase in the availability of RSPO-certified products. Companies who commit to sustainable and regenerative sourcing will have more access to  sustainable raw materials. These products are traceable back to farms, are inclusive of small producers and help the farms transition to organic production.

Therefore, partners can contribute and provide us with:

  • SPIRAL grants or funds for a specific project scope such as certification of small producers toward compliance to international standards or BIO farming with regenerative agriculture; or
  • Collaborate with us through fresh working models to increase new opportunities and direct impact upon our network of certified palm oil producers.

Additionally, you can also support smallholder certified production through:

  • Purchase of RSPO credits; and
  • Encourage more mills to adopt smallholder inclusion by encouraging progress and traceability reporting, rewarding them via direct premiums, or co-funding smallholder programs.


No 1, Jalan Tiara 2, Taman Tiara, 31900 Kampar Perak

Representative Contact
Nur Iadiah Mohd Saat | WAGS West Assistance Group Manager | [email protected] | +605-4684713


No 1, Jalan Tiara 2, Taman Tiara, 31900 Kampar Perak

Representative Contact

+6012188905 | WAGS West Assistance Group Manager +6012188905 | [email protected] |


Wild Asia

Wild Asia

Wild Asia

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