
Koperasi Perintis Pekebun Sawit Lamag Berhad (KPPSLB)

About the group

Number of smallholders: 55 (41 Men, 14 Women)

Total Land Area: 389 Ha

Status: Not Certified

Group location: Kampung Sinar Jaya, Kota Kinabatangan 90200 Sandakan Sabah

Country: Malaysia

On-going Facilitator: Forever Sabah


In October 2015, the Sabah State Cabinet passed a policy that all palm oil production in Sabah need to achieve Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO) certification by 2025. Forever Sabah embarked on a process to engage and organise independent smallholders in twenty villages in the pilot districts of Telupid, Tongod, Beluran, and Kinabatangan (TTBK) to assess their readiness for the certification process. Besides promoting productivity while reducing negative environmental and social impacts in the state of Sabah, the key needs identified are Good Management Practices (GMP), training and support, as well as access to the local and international markets.

Mindful of this policy, the “Koperasi Perintis Perusahaan Sawit Lamag Berhad” In Kinabatangan District (Sabah, Malaysia) is a cooperative created to advance certification as a strategy for sustainable livelihoods following an exchange visit to Seruyan regency (Central Kalimantan) to explore jurisdictional certification approaches and funded by UNEP and RSPO in 2018. Members of our community were very impressed by the effectiveness of cooperatives for oil palm smallholders in Seruyan.

Our members see certification as a stepping stone to strengthened livelihoods and greater sustainability for their principal cash crop, which now dominates their ancestral lands. Participants are from 11 villages in Kinabatangan district, in one of the main oil palm regions of Sabah/Malaysia, an area also recognised as having global biodiversity importance.

"Once we successfully RSPO certified, we have learned the good agricultural practices and it leads to improving our income."

- Amirdah, Group Manager

Target Project Impact

Total area covered by the project
389 Ha

Number of smallholders benefitting from this project
55 Smallholders

Number/percentage of women supported by this project
25.45% women in this project

How you can support

The group members are exerting efforts to earn a living through palm oil while improving smallholders’ livelihoods through income diversification. This effort should be appreciated by the downstream players such as Consumers Good Manufacturers or retailers. Please give us support in the sustainable supply chain by purchasing RSPO Smallholder Credits.


Kampung Sinar Jaya, Kota Kinabatangan 90200 Sandakan Sabah

Representative Contact
Mohd Dzulfikar Bin Rosli | Secretary of KPPSLB | [email protected] |


H30, Gaya Park, Lorong Muntahan 1C, Jalan Penampang, 88300 Kota Kinabalu, Sabah, Malaysia

Representative Contact

Elisna Latik | Assistant Technical Coordinator +60 88 710708 | [email protected] |


Mohd Dzulfikar Rosli

Mohd Dzulfikar Rosli


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