ISEAL’s Challenge the Label campaign is well under way and we are seeing a positive response from the media and businesses. We’ve seen more media exposure than ISEAL has ever had before. The Challenge the Label tool helps company buyers who are faced with numerous sustainability labels to test which claims are credible. With five clear universal truths of what makes a credible claim, the tool will drive understanding of which labels are really credible, benefitting those standards who work hard to deliver positive impact. Now’s the time to make sure you are including Challenge the Label in all your communication channels.Help ISEAL spread the word…
Challenge the Label tool: Find the tool here
Website – Does your website highlight Challenge the Label? ISEAL aims to increase interest, understanding and use of the Challenge the Label tool by directing people to Including a link on your website will not only help increase interest but also demonstrate your organisations’ role in promoting credible sustainability claims.
Media relations: Feel free to adapt the attached media release to create your own media relations to show how your label meets the five universal truths to sustainability claims.
Blog: Add a blog post about Challenge the Label to your website. Here is the ISEAL blog about the launch.
Social media: ISEAL is using Twitter to start a conversation about credible sustainability claims. Many of you have re-tweeted and tweeted already for them! If you have not yet, please ask active Twitter users in your organisation to tweet about Challenge the Label and retweet posts to their followers. Some suggestions are below.
What is behind a credible sustainability claim? #Challengethelabel #crediblelabel #ecolabel @ISEALalliance
What makes a credible sustainability claim? #Challengethelabel #crediblelabel #ecolabel @ISEALalliance
Take a look behind the label #Challengethelabel #crediblelabel #ecolabel @ISEALalliance
Logos (Stamps): The Challenge the Label logo can be used on your website, presentations and social media. Please ensure the correct logo is used. Stamp options including a blue/water one for ISEAL members in fisheries is available on the website.
Email signature: You may wish to add the Challenge the Label to your email signature as a sign of your support, for example Logo + “Proud supporter of Challenge the Label”
The campaign initiated by ISEAL, could be the first one that a collective of credible sustainability standards, do together to really get the word out to businesses. And that it may be the start of many more ISEAL-wide campaigns!
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